Here's how the week went:
Wednesday- no YM/scouts due to campout. So, did 6 miles heat training right after work. It was hot but the running felt good!
Friday- 3 mile run barefoot (with Vibrams of course). Hoping to implement and run in them at least once a week for foot strength and a kind reminder how I should run. Can home and cleaned the downstairs carpets with a rented Rug Doc.
Saturday- Busy day... did all the upstairs carpets, got the 4 wheelers ready for the first time this year! Havyn, Suzie, and I went for a ride up by Strawberry. There are still tons of wildflowers all over the place. It was the start of one of the bow hunts, so we saw lots of camping groups. Havyn was excited to see: cows, horses, 2 deer... one of them right in the road in front of us and was a spike, and a moose! We stopped by Heber and got a slushy and some Wendy's. It was a great/fun ride! Note: Kynia was working at Seven Peaks and Lexy was with Grandma Sue for the day doing back to school shopping, as their tradition. I mentioned to Suzie that we should go to a movie since I knew Havyn would crash early tonight (she was falling asleep on the 4 wheeler). But we missed all the 7 shows and didn't want to go to the 9 shows since we'd both probably fall asleep. So, I decided to go on a run. I did 4 miles... saw 3 deer. 1 momma and 2 baby deer crossing the trail right before dusk.
Deer count for the day: 5.
Lace 'em Up! Chainsaw
God doesn't give us the people we want in our lives; He gives us the ones we need.... to help us, to hurt us, to leave us, to love us, and... to make us into the person we are meant to be!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Post 50 miles
I felt better after doing the 50 miler than after running the marathon last year. Crazy. Don't get me wrong... I was very tired and sore. I had indegestion and really couldn't eat well or sleep well the night after my run. But overall, not too bad.
I took off running for 3 days and on Wednesday, went and worked out with Rich at the gym. I told him of my hurt knee but it was feeling a little better. We did some leg work and did some sprints on the treadmill. I should have told Rich no and refuse and listen to my body and not him, but I am dumb and didn't. My focus had turned to the 100 miler and wanted to get back on track with training. The next day my knee really started to hurt again... it did not get better the next few days after that either. It was hurting even when walking so I was scared it was something major. Again, I should have recovered more. I was getting a lot of recommendations to go get it checked out by doctors but really didn't want to go down the surgery road.
So, basically, I took about 1 month off from running knowing that this really shot my chance at the 100 miler... at least for this year. I would try running like 3 miles here and there when my knee was feeling good, but at about 3 miles everytime it would begin to hurt again. I was getting very frustrated! Any runner would know this feeling. Well, eventually I was able to run 3... then 4, 5, and finally I got up to 7 miles. This was good since our scout troop was going to be hiking King's Peak Aug. 10-13. Well, we did it last weekend!! King's Peak is the highest peak in Utah at 13,500 elevation. We backpacked in (my backpack weighed 44 pounds) for 9 miles to base camp. We then summited on Friday (12 miles total that day... it was tough with the last part really steep, just bouldering with no real trail to follow) and then backpacked out on Saturday. So, a total of 30ish miles. I kept waiting for my knee to act up, but it didn't. I am very glad! We saw a few runners while backpacking down and a few when we were summiting... after getting back, I found that there was a small informal run up to King's Peak that runner's were doing in 1 day. I also found out that a runner named Davy Crockett (funny eh?) did a double King's Peak in 19 hours. Probably the first to do this.... almost 60 TOUGH miles in 19 hours. Started me thinking it would be fun to run that too... not a double, but just the 30 miles in the same day. We'll see.
My future: Since my 100 is shot this year.... I'm looking for a shorter race this fall- either a 50k or another 50 miler. Maybe I'll do Antelope Island 100 in March... there's also another 100 in May of next year.
Also, I get the Ultra Runners magazine and was really looking foward to get the issue with the Squaw Peak 50 miler, my first Ultra Race, results. Well, there was a mistake and they put in the race results for last years race... I was disappointed. Well, I emailed the editor and she said they were going to republish and asked me to write a short blip about the race to be included. So, looking forward to seeing that.... I am now published ;)
Here's what I summarized for Squaw Peak 2011 race:
Due to 300 - 400% of normal snow pack, this year’s race was done on an alternate course due to washed out roads/trails and the inability to get volunteers to certain aid stations. The changed course was an out and back, so it was good to see the leaders coming back as well as say hello and give encouragement to other runners. The course was just as tough, if not more tough, than the normal course and seemed to add 30 to 60 minutes to past runner’s normal course times. There was over 12,000 ft. in elevation gain/loss. Another item that was tough for runners was the hot temperature on race day. Race day saw one of the first warm/hot days of the year and became tough for some runners due to their lack of any heat training prior to race day. There were 195 finishers and 38 DNF’s. One of the finishers, Bill Peck, broke his nose coming down Rock Canyon somewhere between mile 6 to 11, but went on to finish.
Lace 'em Up! Chainsaw
I took off running for 3 days and on Wednesday, went and worked out with Rich at the gym. I told him of my hurt knee but it was feeling a little better. We did some leg work and did some sprints on the treadmill. I should have told Rich no and refuse and listen to my body and not him, but I am dumb and didn't. My focus had turned to the 100 miler and wanted to get back on track with training. The next day my knee really started to hurt again... it did not get better the next few days after that either. It was hurting even when walking so I was scared it was something major. Again, I should have recovered more. I was getting a lot of recommendations to go get it checked out by doctors but really didn't want to go down the surgery road.
So, basically, I took about 1 month off from running knowing that this really shot my chance at the 100 miler... at least for this year. I would try running like 3 miles here and there when my knee was feeling good, but at about 3 miles everytime it would begin to hurt again. I was getting very frustrated! Any runner would know this feeling. Well, eventually I was able to run 3... then 4, 5, and finally I got up to 7 miles. This was good since our scout troop was going to be hiking King's Peak Aug. 10-13. Well, we did it last weekend!! King's Peak is the highest peak in Utah at 13,500 elevation. We backpacked in (my backpack weighed 44 pounds) for 9 miles to base camp. We then summited on Friday (12 miles total that day... it was tough with the last part really steep, just bouldering with no real trail to follow) and then backpacked out on Saturday. So, a total of 30ish miles. I kept waiting for my knee to act up, but it didn't. I am very glad! We saw a few runners while backpacking down and a few when we were summiting... after getting back, I found that there was a small informal run up to King's Peak that runner's were doing in 1 day. I also found out that a runner named Davy Crockett (funny eh?) did a double King's Peak in 19 hours. Probably the first to do this.... almost 60 TOUGH miles in 19 hours. Started me thinking it would be fun to run that too... not a double, but just the 30 miles in the same day. We'll see.
My future: Since my 100 is shot this year.... I'm looking for a shorter race this fall- either a 50k or another 50 miler. Maybe I'll do Antelope Island 100 in March... there's also another 100 in May of next year.
Also, I get the Ultra Runners magazine and was really looking foward to get the issue with the Squaw Peak 50 miler, my first Ultra Race, results. Well, there was a mistake and they put in the race results for last years race... I was disappointed. Well, I emailed the editor and she said they were going to republish and asked me to write a short blip about the race to be included. So, looking forward to seeing that.... I am now published ;)
Here's what I summarized for Squaw Peak 2011 race:
Due to 300 - 400% of normal snow pack, this year’s race was done on an alternate course due to washed out roads/trails and the inability to get volunteers to certain aid stations. The changed course was an out and back, so it was good to see the leaders coming back as well as say hello and give encouragement to other runners. The course was just as tough, if not more tough, than the normal course and seemed to add 30 to 60 minutes to past runner’s normal course times. There was over 12,000 ft. in elevation gain/loss. Another item that was tough for runners was the hot temperature on race day. Race day saw one of the first warm/hot days of the year and became tough for some runners due to their lack of any heat training prior to race day. There were 195 finishers and 38 DNF’s. One of the finishers, Bill Peck, broke his nose coming down Rock Canyon somewhere between mile 6 to 11, but went on to finish.
Lace 'em Up! Chainsaw
Squaw Peak 50
Okay... so like it's been 2 months since last post. Just haven't felt like blogg'n when not running much.
Here's my recollection from June 4th 50 mile run that I completed: Started early in the morning (I think at 5a.m.) and it went straight up and over Squaw Peak mountain from Start/finish at Vivian Park. It was probably like 6 miles to the top.... this was a tough section that was done in a fast hiking speed. It was basically single file up a single track, so the motivation to keep moving was the many people behind you that would run over you. I was feeling strong at the top and started the crazy run decent... had a snow pile to run over and some muddy places, but mostly it was just steep going down for a few miles until we hit the top of Rock Canyon trail. This section provided good running with a wider running area (not single track).... I ran this aggressively-- too aggressively. At the bottom of Rock Canyon, a co-worker, J. Wait, had come up to see the run and snap a photo or 2. At this aid station (mile 11), while I was there, a runner came in with a badly bleeding nose that he said a rock hit. I don't know if he fell or how it happened (but found out later it was broke but he'd gone on to finish anyways).
As I started out from this aid station, my right knee started bothering me... my I.T. band started disagreeing with how aggressive I ran down Rock Canyon. Not good this early with 39 more miles to go. So, I was reduced to VERY slow running and mostly a fast pace hike across the face of the Y mountain range along the Bonneville shoreline trail to Springville.... At this point we had to go up and over a mountain. About 1/6 of the way up was mile 20 aid station. I took this opportunity to change my shoes just to give the old feet a little change. The next 2.5 miles up it was very rocky terrain, so couldn't really run even if I wanted to. After hitting the top there was another 2.5ish miles to the next aid station at mile 25. I was going as quickly as I could, still slowed by my I.T. I had been taking advil for the last many hours to see if that would help. I spent a little too much time overall at all of the aid stations, but mostly at the 25 mile turnaround point to try and refocus.
Getting to the 20/30 mile aid station was good the second time because I saw 2 familiar faces... Adam and Michelle (Michelle is Suzette's cousin) that I had spent some time chatting with at the pre-race packet pick up the previous night. Seeing them really encouraged and remotivated me. By this time it looked like a death march for the next 9 miles back to Rock Canyon. The temp was very hot and the sun just beat down on everyone (for the back of the packers like I was at this point). I passed many runners that were throwing up and many at aid stations that had dropped out.
Funny, at this point when so many were struggling, I actually was getting stronger again. At mile 35, I got a text from my friend Chris Nelson that he was going to meet me on my way to the next aid station (mile 39). It was great to see him coming down the trail around mile 37 1/2 ish. Talking to someone really helped a lot at this point to take my mind off the knee pain and we started running a little bit. Chris was getting ready to run the Utah Valley Marathon in the next week or two. Some guy stopped us to ask what event was going on and walked the next 2 miles with us. He was asking a lot of questions and was very intrigued by the race. He lives right next to the Bonneville Shoreline trail and had never heard of a 50 mile race before. This also helped get my mind off my knee.
Chris pealed off right before the mile 39 aid station at the bottom of Rock Canyon and wished me well. I knew what was ahead of me and it wasn't going to be easy to get to the finish line. Again, I saw Adam at this aid station and he was awesome in helping and giving me encouragement to keep going. Some of the aid stations, especially the last one at mile 35, looked a little like a hospital waiting room area. A lot of the runners were just beat up bad! I hit the trail ready for what was to come.
texted me (this is around 7:30ish.... I had planned to finish around 7:00) that they were waiting at the finish and she didn't think Havyn (2 yr old) was going to last much longer.
Between it getting dark and worried I would miss on seeing my girls at the finish, I really pushed it down the step mountain for 4 miles to where we come out on the Provo River trail. I saw Adam and Michelle again by Bridal Veil Falls again and said hello as I kept running. About 1/2 mile from the finish, I saw my daughter Alyxis and my sister Em with her son Griff coming towards me. It was great to see them, but I told them I couldn't stop to I was afraid that if I stopped, I wouldn't be able to start running again. My body was pretty numb at this point. So, I continued to run while they ran along (in their sandels and flip flops). I felt bad and waited for them so that I could run with them towards the finish line. It was great to see Suzette and Havyn along with my Mom... I picked up Havyn and ran with her... only to realize the finish line was further away than I thought it would be... but I made it anyways. I made it! Relief! It was a great feeling and a great experience. My final time was like 15 hrs 55 minutes.
Lace 'em Up! Chainsaw
Here's my recollection from June 4th 50 mile run that I completed: Started early in the morning (I think at 5a.m.) and it went straight up and over Squaw Peak mountain from Start/finish at Vivian Park. It was probably like 6 miles to the top.... this was a tough section that was done in a fast hiking speed. It was basically single file up a single track, so the motivation to keep moving was the many people behind you that would run over you. I was feeling strong at the top and started the crazy run decent... had a snow pile to run over and some muddy places, but mostly it was just steep going down for a few miles until we hit the top of Rock Canyon trail. This section provided good running with a wider running area (not single track).... I ran this aggressively-- too aggressively. At the bottom of Rock Canyon, a co-worker, J. Wait, had come up to see the run and snap a photo or 2. At this aid station (mile 11), while I was there, a runner came in with a badly bleeding nose that he said a rock hit. I don't know if he fell or how it happened (but found out later it was broke but he'd gone on to finish anyways).
As I started out from this aid station, my right knee started bothering me... my I.T. band started disagreeing with how aggressive I ran down Rock Canyon. Not good this early with 39 more miles to go. So, I was reduced to VERY slow running and mostly a fast pace hike across the face of the Y mountain range along the Bonneville shoreline trail to Springville.... At this point we had to go up and over a mountain. About 1/6 of the way up was mile 20 aid station. I took this opportunity to change my shoes just to give the old feet a little change. The next 2.5 miles up it was very rocky terrain, so couldn't really run even if I wanted to. After hitting the top there was another 2.5ish miles to the next aid station at mile 25. I was going as quickly as I could, still slowed by my I.T. I had been taking advil for the last many hours to see if that would help. I spent a little too much time overall at all of the aid stations, but mostly at the 25 mile turnaround point to try and refocus.
Getting to the 20/30 mile aid station was good the second time because I saw 2 familiar faces... Adam and Michelle (Michelle is Suzette's cousin) that I had spent some time chatting with at the pre-race packet pick up the previous night. Seeing them really encouraged and remotivated me. By this time it looked like a death march for the next 9 miles back to Rock Canyon. The temp was very hot and the sun just beat down on everyone (for the back of the packers like I was at this point). I passed many runners that were throwing up and many at aid stations that had dropped out.
Funny, at this point when so many were struggling, I actually was getting stronger again. At mile 35, I got a text from my friend Chris Nelson that he was going to meet me on my way to the next aid station (mile 39). It was great to see him coming down the trail around mile 37 1/2 ish. Talking to someone really helped a lot at this point to take my mind off the knee pain and we started running a little bit. Chris was getting ready to run the Utah Valley Marathon in the next week or two. Some guy stopped us to ask what event was going on and walked the next 2 miles with us. He was asking a lot of questions and was very intrigued by the race. He lives right next to the Bonneville Shoreline trail and had never heard of a 50 mile race before. This also helped get my mind off my knee.
Chris pealed off right before the mile 39 aid station at the bottom of Rock Canyon and wished me well. I knew what was ahead of me and it wasn't going to be easy to get to the finish line. Again, I saw Adam at this aid station and he was awesome in helping and giving me encouragement to keep going. Some of the aid stations, especially the last one at mile 35, looked a little like a hospital waiting room area. A lot of the runners were just beat up bad! I hit the trail ready for what was to come.
texted me (this is around 7:30ish.... I had planned to finish around 7:00) that they were waiting at the finish and she didn't think Havyn (2 yr old) was going to last much longer.
Between it getting dark and worried I would miss on seeing my girls at the finish, I really pushed it down the step mountain for 4 miles to where we come out on the Provo River trail. I saw Adam and Michelle again by Bridal Veil Falls again and said hello as I kept running. About 1/2 mile from the finish, I saw my daughter Alyxis and my sister Em with her son Griff coming towards me. It was great to see them, but I told them I couldn't stop to I was afraid that if I stopped, I wouldn't be able to start running again. My body was pretty numb at this point. So, I continued to run while they ran along (in their sandels and flip flops). I felt bad and waited for them so that I could run with them towards the finish line. It was great to see Suzette and Havyn along with my Mom... I picked up Havyn and ran with her... only to realize the finish line was further away than I thought it would be... but I made it anyways. I made it! Relief! It was a great feeling and a great experience. My final time was like 15 hrs 55 minutes.
Lace 'em Up! Chainsaw
Monday, May 30, 2011
Snow in June?
Well, starting from the old post date... ran the 6.5 mile loop on Wednesday, May 18... then on Thursday... LAKE POWELL TRIP!! Yeah, baby! The weather was a little cold on Thursday, Friday a little better, but Saturday was great. Side story... on Friday, we (went with the Dave Massey family) were wakeboarding in the morning/early afternoon hour... decided to go fill up boat with gas and go to the Bullfrog marina. Literally, right when we were pulling in, it started to rain softly... right after we pulled into a covered open boat doc (you know, a spot that people pay to keep their house boats in) and it just poured... I'm talking hail and heavy rain pouring... it was so loud hitting off of the aluminum/steel roof structure... it was just crazy how well we had timed that. It would have been ugly if we would have been stuck in the open water. Anyway, came home on Sunday with sun and rain both making their presence known.
Monday Rich and I ran our 6.5 trail course (I was tired... from no sleep to the workout that wakeboarding does to your legs). Deer count 12.
Tuesday, we lifted. Wednesday we ran our 6.5 miles... found out Rich will not be running Squaw Peak 50 with me... it will be weird running it alone since we've spent the last 5-6 months doing ALL of our training & runs together... but I don't blame him. He's got his priorities correct. Deer count: 10
Thursday- had a meeting in Salt Lake most of the day, so didn't do anything... Friday, we ran our 6.5 course... deer count... I forget. The grass along our course is getting taller... so our shoes get soaked with dew/rain remains. We stayed down at the Massey's home really late/early... got home at 3 am... I didn't/couldn't sleep until about 4 a.m. That will help explain why I didn't run on Saturday.
Saturday... was supposed to run. Didn't. Crap. But I did do a nice job doing a speed lawn mowing job... it did provide some exercise ;) For anyone who knows my backyard.. you know it's big with a lot of grass and some hills to push the mower up... so it is a workout to an extent. Suzette and I went to Source Code at 9:45... I fell asleep right at the end for about the last 10 minutes, oops!
Sunday- church. Taught the last lesson for 4 of the 18 yr old young men that will be moving on... best wishes for their future.
Monday, May 30. Memorial Day. Holiday!! No work!! Woke up to see snow remnants in the green grass stalks this morning and also on some cars left outside. That's crazy that it snowed... almost into June! It's been raining off and on the past 2 days. While I ran the 6.5 miles along (no Rich), it started raining and even a little snow for a bit. My shoes were soaked when I got home. Deer count: 0
Monday Rich and I ran our 6.5 trail course (I was tired... from no sleep to the workout that wakeboarding does to your legs). Deer count 12.
Tuesday, we lifted. Wednesday we ran our 6.5 miles... found out Rich will not be running Squaw Peak 50 with me... it will be weird running it alone since we've spent the last 5-6 months doing ALL of our training & runs together... but I don't blame him. He's got his priorities correct. Deer count: 10
Thursday- had a meeting in Salt Lake most of the day, so didn't do anything... Friday, we ran our 6.5 course... deer count... I forget. The grass along our course is getting taller... so our shoes get soaked with dew/rain remains. We stayed down at the Massey's home really late/early... got home at 3 am... I didn't/couldn't sleep until about 4 a.m. That will help explain why I didn't run on Saturday.
Saturday... was supposed to run. Didn't. Crap. But I did do a nice job doing a speed lawn mowing job... it did provide some exercise ;) For anyone who knows my backyard.. you know it's big with a lot of grass and some hills to push the mower up... so it is a workout to an extent. Suzette and I went to Source Code at 9:45... I fell asleep right at the end for about the last 10 minutes, oops!
Sunday- church. Taught the last lesson for 4 of the 18 yr old young men that will be moving on... best wishes for their future.
Monday, May 30. Memorial Day. Holiday!! No work!! Woke up to see snow remnants in the green grass stalks this morning and also on some cars left outside. That's crazy that it snowed... almost into June! It's been raining off and on the past 2 days. While I ran the 6.5 miles along (no Rich), it started raining and even a little snow for a bit. My shoes were soaked when I got home. Deer count: 0
While on the 6.5 run, I saw the race director for this Saturday's Squaw Peak 50 run... he mentioned that parts of the original course (he had to change the course) probably got another 15-20 inches of new snow over the past couple of days. Glad he changed it- but also a little let down...would have just added to the challenge but there's parts with safety ropes during the 'normal' years... can't imagine how it would be trying to summit some of those mountains with the ton of snow there is. Don't worry, he said the new course for this year has more elevation change than the original course and he expects a higher runner drop rate since the locations will be more accessible/convenient for runners to drop out at. Hope I'm not one of them.
This week will be light running.. maybe like an easy 5 on Wednesday with lifting on Tuesday and nothing Thursday and Friday... gotta tapper for the 50.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Beach running & 30 miler
Sunday- This first week of May found us in Cali. We drove straight through and got to our condo (which just happened to be right on the beach... don't know how that happened). I did a lot of walking all week long at Disneyland. I did a morning run of 6 miles on Tuesday and then a 8-9 miler on Friday. On the 6 miler, I ran half on the sidewalk that went along the coast and then did the final half on the harder sand by the ocean. I did all of the 8-9 miles along the water on the harder packed sand. It was great!! Wish I could run along the coast everyday- loved the calm waves and cool breeze. Pretty good week away from some of the madness called life.
The following week... ran Monday and Wednesday; and lifted on Tuesday & Thursday with 30 miles scheduled for Saturday. Okay, that was the plan. We ended up running 6.5 on Monday, lifted Tuesday and Wednesday, and then ran 30 on Thursday (Rich couldn't run on Saturday). I was really dreading the 30 since the last long run I had I.T. problems and hadn't ran tons since then. Rich and I ended up starting at 4:15 and got done at 11:15. Gotta say, I was excited... we both ran strong and at the end we both could have kept going... If Squaw Peak 50 miler was that day, we could have done it. Big confidence booster for me in myself, but also for Rich believing in me. Had a little dehydration that hit us (my fault... ran out of water on loop part from mile 10 to 20... Rich sacrificed some of his water to get me through but he ran out too), but the weather was perfect. Deer count around 10. We ran/fast hiked/walked the last 10 in the dark.
Friday- Felt good with just a little soreness but stomach not really happy. Was up about every hour Thursday night...heartburn, etc. We didn't do anything but try and recover.
Saturday- I got a free spot in the Walk to Run Charity I did it. Honestly, I was more sore on Saturday morning than Friday. My leg muscles just screamed at me the whole 3 miles! I didn't push it too hard... ended up running it in 26 minutes with a 8:30 per mile (going from memory). Then I went down to Utah Lake to take a few Wake Boarding runs to get ready for Lake Powell trip. Water was cold, but I was warm in my wetsuit. The legs were still very sore, so I didn't go too long or push it too much.
Monday, May 16, 2011- lifted. Tuesday- we were supposed to run, but got up and was raining and very cold. Looks like there's going to be tons of snow still for Squaw Peak 50... probably about 10-12 miles, yikes.
The plan is to run tomorrow... we'll see.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
The following week... ran Monday and Wednesday; and lifted on Tuesday & Thursday with 30 miles scheduled for Saturday. Okay, that was the plan. We ended up running 6.5 on Monday, lifted Tuesday and Wednesday, and then ran 30 on Thursday (Rich couldn't run on Saturday). I was really dreading the 30 since the last long run I had I.T. problems and hadn't ran tons since then. Rich and I ended up starting at 4:15 and got done at 11:15. Gotta say, I was excited... we both ran strong and at the end we both could have kept going... If Squaw Peak 50 miler was that day, we could have done it. Big confidence booster for me in myself, but also for Rich believing in me. Had a little dehydration that hit us (my fault... ran out of water on loop part from mile 10 to 20... Rich sacrificed some of his water to get me through but he ran out too), but the weather was perfect. Deer count around 10. We ran/fast hiked/walked the last 10 in the dark.
Friday- Felt good with just a little soreness but stomach not really happy. Was up about every hour Thursday night...heartburn, etc. We didn't do anything but try and recover.
Saturday- I got a free spot in the Walk to Run Charity I did it. Honestly, I was more sore on Saturday morning than Friday. My leg muscles just screamed at me the whole 3 miles! I didn't push it too hard... ended up running it in 26 minutes with a 8:30 per mile (going from memory). Then I went down to Utah Lake to take a few Wake Boarding runs to get ready for Lake Powell trip. Water was cold, but I was warm in my wetsuit. The legs were still very sore, so I didn't go too long or push it too much.
Monday, May 16, 2011- lifted. Tuesday- we were supposed to run, but got up and was raining and very cold. Looks like there's going to be tons of snow still for Squaw Peak 50... probably about 10-12 miles, yikes.
The plan is to run tomorrow... we'll see.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Can you say "I.T. Band"?
We ended up doing a 23 mile run on Saturday.. I'll make it short just to say the weather was great but my I.T. Band wasn't. About mile 14-15 it really started to hurt. At one of the cars with 6 miles left to go, Rich asked me if I wanted to stop and cut it short... should've said yes. Had to walk, power walk and do a shuffle run to finish. But I DID finish! The best part was that it didn't knock me on my butt later like I thought it would... thought stairs, etc. would be bad the next few days. Honestly, iced my knees well, rolled them out, took a shower, more ice, and Advil did the trick.
Monday- lifted at gym
Tuesday-lifted at gym
Wednesday- got up at 5:15 a.m. and did our 6.5 mile run... deer were everywhere. Maybe now that it's lighter on our runs, I'm just able to see more. Deer count: 45ish
Thursday lifted at gym
Friday- plan for the weekend was to run 10 on Friday night and then 15 on Saturday. We ended up doing a different trail to avoid the pavement... Didn't have GPS so we estimated we ended up running 8-9 miles. But it was a tough 8-9 with some very steep hills/sections. Deer everywhere again! Deer count: 30
Saturday (today)- woke up to tons of snow... we decided not to go slush through mud, so we went to gym and lifted. It was a tough/longer sessions, but good. Feeling strong! This will help during the long runs ahead.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Monday- lifted at gym
Tuesday-lifted at gym
Wednesday- got up at 5:15 a.m. and did our 6.5 mile run... deer were everywhere. Maybe now that it's lighter on our runs, I'm just able to see more. Deer count: 45ish
Thursday lifted at gym
Friday- plan for the weekend was to run 10 on Friday night and then 15 on Saturday. We ended up doing a different trail to avoid the pavement... Didn't have GPS so we estimated we ended up running 8-9 miles. But it was a tough 8-9 with some very steep hills/sections. Deer everywhere again! Deer count: 30
Saturday (today)- woke up to tons of snow... we decided not to go slush through mud, so we went to gym and lifted. It was a tough/longer sessions, but good. Feeling strong! This will help during the long runs ahead.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Thursday, April 21, 2011
YESSSSS!!! Week off
Well, after the 7 miles on Friday and 10 on Saturday from a almost 2 weeks ago... here's what I've done since.
Monday thru Friday- I didn't do jack crap and loved it. Rich was out of town for spring break. I'd like to think of this time as planned tappering.
Saturday (April 16)- we did a 17 mile run along most of our regular long course route. The weather was great! Started at 5:30 and finished around 9:00ish. I felt good during the run and recovered fairly well. Deer count: 8
Monday- did leg, core, and upper body work. We did a sushi lunch at Harmon's Grocery Store... was actually good, but Rich said it's probably only a C. I've got to go to a place sometime with an A rating... can't wait!
Tuesday- I bailed on the early morning run... tired and looked like it was raining. I might have to just run in the rain sometime... but I'll wait for it to get warmer first.
Wednesday- leg, core, and upper body work again (pull ups, sit ups on inclined bench, etc.). We did an interesting exercise. I put my feet in the TRX straps about a foot off the ground in push up position...however, then I walked back on my hands slowly with my feet going up into the air until I am close to being vertical standing on my hands (can't get completely vertical or would probably fall over) and then doing push ups in that position... again, like a hand stand and then bending arms so head is close to ground and then pushing body back up. It was very tough and balancing is a bit tricky.... it was cool to be able to do it 3 times for my first try. Not too shabby.
Thursday (today)- got up to run at 5:15... started around 5:30 though, compliments of Rich being late... we did our hill course of 6 1/2 miles. Only having to run the first 30 minutes in the dark, which is nice. Weather was still a little chilly, but good for a run. Felt okay, but legs were still a little tired from the leg workout from yesterday. Deer count: 4
The plan is to take tomorrow off (Rich can't meet in the day due to an event at UVU) and we were thinking of either doing 10 miles Friday night followed by 15 miles on Saturday morning... but my parents are doing an Easter Egg hunt on Friday night, so we are going to try and run 25 miles on Saturday (if we don't run out of time). This will be a good test of our endurance and nutrition level and our energy replacement while we run.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Monday thru Friday- I didn't do jack crap and loved it. Rich was out of town for spring break. I'd like to think of this time as planned tappering.
Saturday (April 16)- we did a 17 mile run along most of our regular long course route. The weather was great! Started at 5:30 and finished around 9:00ish. I felt good during the run and recovered fairly well. Deer count: 8
Monday- did leg, core, and upper body work. We did a sushi lunch at Harmon's Grocery Store... was actually good, but Rich said it's probably only a C. I've got to go to a place sometime with an A rating... can't wait!
Tuesday- I bailed on the early morning run... tired and looked like it was raining. I might have to just run in the rain sometime... but I'll wait for it to get warmer first.
Wednesday- leg, core, and upper body work again (pull ups, sit ups on inclined bench, etc.). We did an interesting exercise. I put my feet in the TRX straps about a foot off the ground in push up position...however, then I walked back on my hands slowly with my feet going up into the air until I am close to being vertical standing on my hands (can't get completely vertical or would probably fall over) and then doing push ups in that position... again, like a hand stand and then bending arms so head is close to ground and then pushing body back up. It was very tough and balancing is a bit tricky.... it was cool to be able to do it 3 times for my first try. Not too shabby.
Thursday (today)- got up to run at 5:15... started around 5:30 though, compliments of Rich being late... we did our hill course of 6 1/2 miles. Only having to run the first 30 minutes in the dark, which is nice. Weather was still a little chilly, but good for a run. Felt okay, but legs were still a little tired from the leg workout from yesterday. Deer count: 4
The plan is to take tomorrow off (Rich can't meet in the day due to an event at UVU) and we were thinking of either doing 10 miles Friday night followed by 15 miles on Saturday morning... but my parents are doing an Easter Egg hunt on Friday night, so we are going to try and run 25 miles on Saturday (if we don't run out of time). This will be a good test of our endurance and nutrition level and our energy replacement while we run.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Saturday, April 9, 2011
snow, snow, snow
Thursday- our schedules just didn't work out so we bagged our lifting day.
Weekend plan- planned on running 10 miles on Friday night, starting at 7:30 followed by 20 miles Saturday morning starting at 5:00 to help us get used to running on tired legs.
Well, we did our regular 6-7 miles route, but started it backwards. It snowed the whole time... it really got bad when it was dark, so visibility was already bad, but then with the snow hitting us in our faces, we decided to cut the run short at 7 miles... also, the trails were very muddy with puddles so our feet were soaked which caused us to get a little cold. Deer count: 4
Saturday- everything started well... until we stepped out of our car. The plan was to do the same route as last week... so started at Water Tower. But just like Friday night... it snowed the whole time. Since the first 4-5 miles is on pavement, no problem. But once we got on the trails, it again got muddy and tough to run when avoiding puddles. There were some nice spots where the trail/road was gravel, which didn't cause mud...also, some nice spots when just running in fresh layer of snow. We could have mustered up the strength to continue, but we were both feeling pretty fatigued and just decided to stop at 10. No complaints from me.
Deer count: 7 oh, add 2 more... saw 2 in my backyard around 11:00.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Weekend plan- planned on running 10 miles on Friday night, starting at 7:30 followed by 20 miles Saturday morning starting at 5:00 to help us get used to running on tired legs.
Well, we did our regular 6-7 miles route, but started it backwards. It snowed the whole time... it really got bad when it was dark, so visibility was already bad, but then with the snow hitting us in our faces, we decided to cut the run short at 7 miles... also, the trails were very muddy with puddles so our feet were soaked which caused us to get a little cold. Deer count: 4
Saturday- everything started well... until we stepped out of our car. The plan was to do the same route as last week... so started at Water Tower. But just like Friday night... it snowed the whole time. Since the first 4-5 miles is on pavement, no problem. But once we got on the trails, it again got muddy and tough to run when avoiding puddles. There were some nice spots where the trail/road was gravel, which didn't cause mud...also, some nice spots when just running in fresh layer of snow. We could have mustered up the strength to continue, but we were both feeling pretty fatigued and just decided to stop at 10. No complaints from me.
Deer count: 7 oh, add 2 more... saw 2 in my backyard around 11:00.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Man I am crappy at this blogging thing. Here's the quick catch up from last week...
Wednesday- core/weight lifting work
Thursday- Run at 5:15.. did regular run in foothills doing 6 1/2
Friday- we bagged it... scheduling between the two just wasn't working
Saturday- We ran 20 miles... started at 5a.m. so I'd be done at 10:00 for Suzie to go into work. It was a tough run... very cold and dark at first... warmed up just enough where it was a perfect temp by the end (after taking off a shirt layer at mile 14 at the water tower/car parking lot- we loaded up on food and drink!!). I ran out of water and perpetuem early (started sipping slowly around mile 7 to make it last but ran out around mile 10), so I was feeling just a tad dehydrated. After getting new fluids at car... kind of got bloated and tough to run for the first 3 it being more uphill than down didn't help. Course we did: ran 12 miles loop...started at water tower, ran down on payment for the first 5ish miles to Mt. Timp park and then up the fire roads over to Gizzly hill.... down and back up Grizzly was brutal and just hiked back up... footing is very loose rocks. Went through blue rock valley (ran past 4 sleeping bags just laying in the open next to the trail- they must have been cold with the frost coming down on them in the morning... I was talking really loud before seeing them, so I probably woke them up... I'm sure they were thinking, who the crap was up on the trails running this early!?!?!). Recovery: actually felt overall pretty good on the run... muscles a little sore after (Suzy made a comment of how stiff I looked when I was walking down the stairs), but overall muscle recovery was okay... that's why I love trail running. I was pretty nauseous and had heart burn for the rest of the day... but this always happens after a long run, so pretty normal. Deer count: around 20
Monday- no rest for the wicked... we got up at 5:15 and ran 6 1/2 in hills.
Tuesday- did bodywork during my lunch hours
Wednesday- raining hard (plus cold) outside, so did 70 minutes on the treadmill at Elevate doing the 5 min walk at 10 incline at 3 speed and alternated with 0 incline, 6 speed run. Rich and I both commented that this was tough to do... running inside on treadmill, after so much time running outside. I did use my Ipod though, which was nice just to zone out to good tunes.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Wednesday- core/weight lifting work
Thursday- Run at 5:15.. did regular run in foothills doing 6 1/2
Friday- we bagged it... scheduling between the two just wasn't working
Saturday- We ran 20 miles... started at 5a.m. so I'd be done at 10:00 for Suzie to go into work. It was a tough run... very cold and dark at first... warmed up just enough where it was a perfect temp by the end (after taking off a shirt layer at mile 14 at the water tower/car parking lot- we loaded up on food and drink!!). I ran out of water and perpetuem early (started sipping slowly around mile 7 to make it last but ran out around mile 10), so I was feeling just a tad dehydrated. After getting new fluids at car... kind of got bloated and tough to run for the first 3 it being more uphill than down didn't help. Course we did: ran 12 miles loop...started at water tower, ran down on payment for the first 5ish miles to Mt. Timp park and then up the fire roads over to Gizzly hill.... down and back up Grizzly was brutal and just hiked back up... footing is very loose rocks. Went through blue rock valley (ran past 4 sleeping bags just laying in the open next to the trail- they must have been cold with the frost coming down on them in the morning... I was talking really loud before seeing them, so I probably woke them up... I'm sure they were thinking, who the crap was up on the trails running this early!?!?!). Recovery: actually felt overall pretty good on the run... muscles a little sore after (Suzy made a comment of how stiff I looked when I was walking down the stairs), but overall muscle recovery was okay... that's why I love trail running. I was pretty nauseous and had heart burn for the rest of the day... but this always happens after a long run, so pretty normal. Deer count: around 20
Monday- no rest for the wicked... we got up at 5:15 and ran 6 1/2 in hills.
Tuesday- did bodywork during my lunch hours
Wednesday- raining hard (plus cold) outside, so did 70 minutes on the treadmill at Elevate doing the 5 min walk at 10 incline at 3 speed and alternated with 0 incline, 6 speed run. Rich and I both commented that this was tough to do... running inside on treadmill, after so much time running outside. I did use my Ipod though, which was nice just to zone out to good tunes.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Forgetting (to post that is)
Last post was a week ago... yikes. I don't even know for sure what I did as far as workouts go... Pretty sure last Wednesday we ran 7.5, Thursday lifted, and Friday ran 7.5.
Saturday... Rich was out of town for the weekend, so I planned on taking it a little easy and do an 8 mile run alone. The run was very enjoyable Started around 8:45 I think... it's nice running alone every once in awhile so I can just listen to my Ipod and zone out mentally (no jokes with that one please). I ran from home up to the Canyon Glen bridge up Provo Canyon. It was very cold and the wind really was hitting me in the face up until the turnaround. The last mile to the turnaround (plus the mile coming back) the bike trail was very icy and slippery but I managed. At one point my body felt really good and could have just run forever. This lasted for a bit and then my body started not liking it... I think it was the pounding of the asphalt that I'm just not too used to anymore. I started thinking 'Man, this is a tough 8 mile run'. Well, the next day at church, I was speaking with Craig Perry who asked how far I ran and where. When I explained where I ran, he said "that's not 8 miles... that is more like 11 miles). After thinking about it, he was right... I don't know what I was thinking. No wonder it seemed like a tough 8 miler. Deer count: about 4 two-legged dear's that were running on the trail.
Monday- went during lunch and did core workout with Rich and Dave Runnells. Found out my brother is coming into town on Thursday... will be good to see him and his family...conference weekend- so we know the bad weather is coming.
Tuesday- got up at 5:15 (was butt freezing cold) and did our 7.5 mile run in the hills. Felt pretty good... other than having 4 hours of meetings in the afternoon, so was pretty tired (just glad I didn't snore out loud). Found out this morning my co-worker turned her notice in... so I am going to be a very busy guy handling the workload until a replacement is hired. Deer count: only 2
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Saturday... Rich was out of town for the weekend, so I planned on taking it a little easy and do an 8 mile run alone. The run was very enjoyable Started around 8:45 I think... it's nice running alone every once in awhile so I can just listen to my Ipod and zone out mentally (no jokes with that one please). I ran from home up to the Canyon Glen bridge up Provo Canyon. It was very cold and the wind really was hitting me in the face up until the turnaround. The last mile to the turnaround (plus the mile coming back) the bike trail was very icy and slippery but I managed. At one point my body felt really good and could have just run forever. This lasted for a bit and then my body started not liking it... I think it was the pounding of the asphalt that I'm just not too used to anymore. I started thinking 'Man, this is a tough 8 mile run'. Well, the next day at church, I was speaking with Craig Perry who asked how far I ran and where. When I explained where I ran, he said "that's not 8 miles... that is more like 11 miles). After thinking about it, he was right... I don't know what I was thinking. No wonder it seemed like a tough 8 miler. Deer count: about 4 two-legged dear's that were running on the trail.
Monday- went during lunch and did core workout with Rich and Dave Runnells. Found out my brother is coming into town on Thursday... will be good to see him and his family...conference weekend- so we know the bad weather is coming.
Tuesday- got up at 5:15 (was butt freezing cold) and did our 7.5 mile run in the hills. Felt pretty good... other than having 4 hours of meetings in the afternoon, so was pretty tired (just glad I didn't snore out loud). Found out this morning my co-worker turned her notice in... so I am going to be a very busy guy handling the workload until a replacement is hired. Deer count: only 2
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Jimmer is the man! What a great game knocking off Gonzaga... I'm sure the West Coast Conference is crapping their pants with BYU entering their Basketball world. Good luck against Florida.
Last Thursday, we did an hour of treadmill work (5 min run and 5 min hike at an incline of 10). Friday we did core work at Elevate... Dave Runnells joined us... 3 circuit of Tri work, did the straps with pushups, etc.
Saturday... ended up doing 18 miles in the hills with 4 others, so 6 of us total (6 a.m. to 10 a.m.... took about 4 hours... I could run about 24 miles on the road in the same amount of time which shows the difference between trail running and road running). Started at the water tower and ran down to 800 east, to Cascade Golf and down to Provo River Trail. At Mt. Timp park we went up hill and went to about Nunns Park, then went uphill through Blue Rock valley and then back onto fire road and back to water tower...that was about 10 miles. We had parked our car at this junction so we could eat, refill water, change or discard clothes etc. Rich had bought some Coke- aaahhhh!! tasted good to take a swig. Also, changed my socks to get a fresh pair and avoid any blistering. We then headed along the Great Western trail over to the P.G. area. Got a little tiring on the way back, but I could have ran another 2-4 miles... felt really good and body was numb or in the zone... one or the other. Weather was great! Just a little cool, but warm when running. First 6 miles was in the dark.
Funny thing... this 18 was easier than the 14 miler from last week. Deer count: about 8
Monday- did the 5:30- 7:00 a.m. standard run... was a little tough getting the legs moving after the 18 on Saturday.
Tuesday- We did some core work in the gym... did it during my lunch break and only had an hour. I did 50 bench reps with 135 lbs... did 6 sets of 7 with 1 set of 8.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Last Thursday, we did an hour of treadmill work (5 min run and 5 min hike at an incline of 10). Friday we did core work at Elevate... Dave Runnells joined us... 3 circuit of Tri work, did the straps with pushups, etc.
Saturday... ended up doing 18 miles in the hills with 4 others, so 6 of us total (6 a.m. to 10 a.m.... took about 4 hours... I could run about 24 miles on the road in the same amount of time which shows the difference between trail running and road running). Started at the water tower and ran down to 800 east, to Cascade Golf and down to Provo River Trail. At Mt. Timp park we went up hill and went to about Nunns Park, then went uphill through Blue Rock valley and then back onto fire road and back to water tower...that was about 10 miles. We had parked our car at this junction so we could eat, refill water, change or discard clothes etc. Rich had bought some Coke- aaahhhh!! tasted good to take a swig. Also, changed my socks to get a fresh pair and avoid any blistering. We then headed along the Great Western trail over to the P.G. area. Got a little tiring on the way back, but I could have ran another 2-4 miles... felt really good and body was numb or in the zone... one or the other. Weather was great! Just a little cool, but warm when running. First 6 miles was in the dark.
Funny thing... this 18 was easier than the 14 miler from last week. Deer count: about 8
Monday- did the 5:30- 7:00 a.m. standard run... was a little tough getting the legs moving after the 18 on Saturday.
Tuesday- We did some core work in the gym... did it during my lunch break and only had an hour. I did 50 bench reps with 135 lbs... did 6 sets of 7 with 1 set of 8.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Alternating the routine
Well, we skipped Monday... we are going to have to change our schedule to match Richard's school schedule... so when he has early morning seminary class, we'll try and do core/weight lifting during the day and on the non-class days, we'll run.
Tuesday- we did our regular run route... Steve and Robert (came on Saturday and used to train with us) showed up while we were running up the road to the water tower and ran the rest with us. Didn't realize that daylight savings happened on Sunday... so now getting up and running from 5:30 to 7:00 is now dark for most the time again. Deer count- Zero.
Wednesday- Today we met during lunch and did core/weight workout. We were joined by a nice person, Dave Runnells, who used to workout a lot with Rich. Planning on running tomorrow... but weather is supposed to rain and even snow, so might do the treadmill workout at Elevate.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Tuesday- we did our regular run route... Steve and Robert (came on Saturday and used to train with us) showed up while we were running up the road to the water tower and ran the rest with us. Didn't realize that daylight savings happened on Sunday... so now getting up and running from 5:30 to 7:00 is now dark for most the time again. Deer count- Zero.
Wednesday- Today we met during lunch and did core/weight workout. We were joined by a nice person, Dave Runnells, who used to workout a lot with Rich. Planning on running tomorrow... but weather is supposed to rain and even snow, so might do the treadmill workout at Elevate.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Slacker time
Okay, Rich couldn't go Wednesday morning so we skipped. I started feeling sick throughout the day Wednesday with the cold/flu bug. So, we skipped for me on Thursday. Friday, Rich couldn't go in the morning. So, 3 days off! It was good since I'm still fighting the bug and it's the type that's putting pressure in my skull, so workouts would probably not be too good. We did watch the BYU game Friday night...and will all the jumping around and yelling we did, that could be considered a workout, right? (BYU beat N. Mexico and Jimmer had 52!! What a game to see!).
I was a little worried how I would hold up on a long run, not fully recouped yet. We got up at 6:00 to run...Rich had a few others that were going to run with us (Also, Rich's B-Day--- what an old man!). Turned out to be like 11 of us total. We started at the Watertower and did single track trail running with plenty of hills (first 2 miles is part of our midweek training runs) for about 7-8 miles (about 5 runners turned around at 6 miles and headed back) and then ran on the street for about 1 mile to connect to the canal road (dirt, yes!) in P.G. I was feeling good, but the canal road is very rocky (me no likee) and fairly running 7 miles like that is a lot different than the hill running we are used to running. The last 2-3 miles I really started feeling it in my feet and head (I should have taken a few advil pre-run). We finished at Rich's house after 14 miles which felt like 18. The nicest thing about the run was the weather was very nice! Just a little cool for most of the run. Bring on spring! I'll be wishing for fall when running this summer I'm sure.
Deer count: around 30-35.
Came home and crashed for a few hours... gotta do some chores (like check facebook, tell Alyxis jobs to do, tough stuff like that) and get ready for the BYU Mtn West Championship game at 5:00. Go Jimmer!!! (and Cougs too).
Lace 'em Up! Chainsaw
I was a little worried how I would hold up on a long run, not fully recouped yet. We got up at 6:00 to run...Rich had a few others that were going to run with us (Also, Rich's B-Day--- what an old man!). Turned out to be like 11 of us total. We started at the Watertower and did single track trail running with plenty of hills (first 2 miles is part of our midweek training runs) for about 7-8 miles (about 5 runners turned around at 6 miles and headed back) and then ran on the street for about 1 mile to connect to the canal road (dirt, yes!) in P.G. I was feeling good, but the canal road is very rocky (me no likee) and fairly running 7 miles like that is a lot different than the hill running we are used to running. The last 2-3 miles I really started feeling it in my feet and head (I should have taken a few advil pre-run). We finished at Rich's house after 14 miles which felt like 18. The nicest thing about the run was the weather was very nice! Just a little cool for most of the run. Bring on spring! I'll be wishing for fall when running this summer I'm sure.
Deer count: around 30-35.
Came home and crashed for a few hours... gotta do some chores (like check facebook, tell Alyxis jobs to do, tough stuff like that) and get ready for the BYU Mtn West Championship game at 5:00. Go Jimmer!!! (and Cougs too).
Lace 'em Up! Chainsaw
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Went to the gym at 5:15 today (snowed last night). Did warm up stuff... did 3 sets of 20 squat jumps, did our set of, well, I'll just call it the TRX bands (push ups, run in place, hip extensions) that pretty much wiped us out! We did some lunges with weights and then did some leg exercises and something close to crunches. We were both not 'feeling it' and just tired out... I think it was either from starting with the hard TRX bands or from the 14 miles on Saturday followed by 6 1/2 on Monday. We cut it short today. We'll see how the run goes tomorrow morning.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Monday, March 7, 2011
Early Bird...
Now I know why the early bird always gets the worm... it rained a lot Sunday night. Guess what comes out during and after the rain? I'll tell you what, the asphalt has never felt so soft under my feet! Killed a lot of them creatures under my shoe.
Anyways... we ran at 5:30a.m. ... did the 6 1/2 mile run in the foothill route. I thought it would be tougher than it was following the 14 miler on Saturday. Other than the first big ascent, I felt good and was able to push it and keep a steady pace for all the hills. We had a good conversation about the Oregon Coast where Rich grew up... I've gotta take a vacation trip there sometime.
There were some higher clouds against the mountain... snowline reformed overnight half way down Baldy Mountain. We also had a few clouds that we were running in... so couldn't really see many deer for my deer count other than like 5 closer to the end of our run when it got lighter and we weren't in the clouds.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each is to succeed.
Anyways... we ran at 5:30a.m. ... did the 6 1/2 mile run in the foothill route. I thought it would be tougher than it was following the 14 miler on Saturday. Other than the first big ascent, I felt good and was able to push it and keep a steady pace for all the hills. We had a good conversation about the Oregon Coast where Rich grew up... I've gotta take a vacation trip there sometime.
There were some higher clouds against the mountain... snowline reformed overnight half way down Baldy Mountain. We also had a few clouds that we were running in... so couldn't really see many deer for my deer count other than like 5 closer to the end of our run when it got lighter and we weren't in the clouds.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each is to succeed.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Slow melt
The slow melt is both from the weather changing/warmer and also for my legs. We ran today from 6-9:00a.m. and had planned on doing 12 miles. Great cold weather at the start that warmer nicely for the end (our was it just that we were warming/sweating so much that it seemed that way...?).
The start of our run was mostly uphill running and we thought that the last half would be mostly downhill.
Logic defied... now my Dad used to tell me 'the stories' of walking uphill in snow both ways to school, which I thought was a joke. But somehow, Rich and I both commented how could our run go uphill on the way back too?! I'm not lying.. it was!
About mile 7, Rich told me that he'd tricked my and we were going to run 14 today instead of 12. I didn't mind too much since I was feeling pretty good and we have to take advantage every chance we can to run long. The end of the run with all the uphill running was brutal... my goal was to not stop and run the whole way, which I/we did. Monday is going to come too soon and will hurt...
Four legged deer count... about 15. Going to relax, watch Havyn (Suzette working most of the day), and hopefully watch the Coug's get back on track with a win over Wyoming.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
The start of our run was mostly uphill running and we thought that the last half would be mostly downhill.
Logic defied... now my Dad used to tell me 'the stories' of walking uphill in snow both ways to school, which I thought was a joke. But somehow, Rich and I both commented how could our run go uphill on the way back too?! I'm not lying.. it was!
About mile 7, Rich told me that he'd tricked my and we were going to run 14 today instead of 12. I didn't mind too much since I was feeling pretty good and we have to take advantage every chance we can to run long. The end of the run with all the uphill running was brutal... my goal was to not stop and run the whole way, which I/we did. Monday is going to come too soon and will hurt...
Four legged deer count... about 15. Going to relax, watch Havyn (Suzette working most of the day), and hopefully watch the Coug's get back on track with a win over Wyoming.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Kind of got busy last night going with the Young Men/ Young Womens group to the Carl Blach Art Exhibit at BYU last night. It was very inspiring... very gifted man with his many paintings of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday... we did the 6 1/2 mile trail run at 5:30 a.m. Again, we saw about 25 deer along the run. It's fun seeing the sun start coming up a few minutes earlier every time we run. We were able to increase our pace from Mondays run by about 1 minute per mile... so was able to do that run about 6 minutes faster than Mondays run (We had also done Mondays run about 3 minutes faster than our first run). So, our legs and lungs are starting to adapt. It was just a touch warmer... still close to freezing, but we could tell the trails were a little softer on the feet.
This morning, we headed to the gym at 5:15 (okay, okay... 5:20- I was late picking up Rich by 'accidentally hitting my snooze button). We did a core workout again... stretch/warm up and ball transfers to start, then we did 3 sets of 20 pull ups (lay on your stomach on an inclined bench that rolls up and down- you grab a bar like you would on a regular pull up), 3 sets of 30 lat extensions/pulls on each side with a 45 pound dumb-bell (no, not you Rich), and then did 3 sets of 10 bench presses (35 weight on each side, so total of 115 pounds) with 20 'raise to heavens' (on back on bench and hold hands behind head and raise legs up toward the ceiling onto your upper back). I felt really good on the bench, so I did a 4th set with 15 reps. We tried doing some regular pull ups... but I could only do a few and Rich could do a few more than me... so basically, are arms were just spent and we couldn't do it. So, we did some bicep dips on a bench, just one set of 20, and called it a day.
All these early mornings have worn me out, so I suggested to Rich that we skip our swim workout on Friday morning, which Rich quickly agreed to (which surprised me a little). He did say our 12 mile run on Saturday is going to be rough, so a rest day would be good. My hamstrings have been really tight all week...from running the hills, so I am going to try and just go for a slow run, maybe even walk, some at the gym tomorrow to loosen them up a little.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Wednesday... we did the 6 1/2 mile trail run at 5:30 a.m. Again, we saw about 25 deer along the run. It's fun seeing the sun start coming up a few minutes earlier every time we run. We were able to increase our pace from Mondays run by about 1 minute per mile... so was able to do that run about 6 minutes faster than Mondays run (We had also done Mondays run about 3 minutes faster than our first run). So, our legs and lungs are starting to adapt. It was just a touch warmer... still close to freezing, but we could tell the trails were a little softer on the feet.
This morning, we headed to the gym at 5:15 (okay, okay... 5:20- I was late picking up Rich by 'accidentally hitting my snooze button). We did a core workout again... stretch/warm up and ball transfers to start, then we did 3 sets of 20 pull ups (lay on your stomach on an inclined bench that rolls up and down- you grab a bar like you would on a regular pull up), 3 sets of 30 lat extensions/pulls on each side with a 45 pound dumb-bell (no, not you Rich), and then did 3 sets of 10 bench presses (35 weight on each side, so total of 115 pounds) with 20 'raise to heavens' (on back on bench and hold hands behind head and raise legs up toward the ceiling onto your upper back). I felt really good on the bench, so I did a 4th set with 15 reps. We tried doing some regular pull ups... but I could only do a few and Rich could do a few more than me... so basically, are arms were just spent and we couldn't do it. So, we did some bicep dips on a bench, just one set of 20, and called it a day.
All these early mornings have worn me out, so I suggested to Rich that we skip our swim workout on Friday morning, which Rich quickly agreed to (which surprised me a little). He did say our 12 mile run on Saturday is going to be rough, so a rest day would be good. My hamstrings have been really tight all week...from running the hills, so I am going to try and just go for a slow run, maybe even walk, some at the gym tomorrow to loosen them up a little.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Today was a day to work on core from 5:00 to 6:30a.m. Let me say here that in the future I won't go into as much detail on core workout days... this is just to give some idea of what they consist of, although core days do vary, let me assure, they are all very difficult.
After we did some stretching and ball transfers, we did something close to the following (you have to understand that I'm barely awake so remembering everything is tough-- and frankly, I try and forget the workout & pain as fast as I can so I could have forgotten something)... :
3 sets of 20 squat jumps
3 sets of 20 single leg squats on each leg (so 60 total on each leg)
3 sets on the TRX band/straps- basically it holds our legs about a foot off the ground- of the following sequence: 20 knee to chests, 20 push ups, 20 count of running in place, and 20 hip extensions (legs come in, hands on ground and hips/butt goes up in the air about 2-3 feet). Each set is done with no break...meaning your hands/arms support your weight that whole time, not easy to do- especially when you're supporting more weight than what you're wanting to be carrying. It was especially tough to finish that third set!
That was something that Rich and I were both surprised a little that we were each able to do it-- that basically burned our arms out bad. But do you think that would be it... not with Rich at the helm.
Next we did 3 sets of another sequence with a 45 weight bar (bench or squat bar with no weights): 10 upright rolls, 10 clean and press, 10 squat and back press, and then 10 bent over rolls.
Last we did 20 sits up from a inclined bench (very inclined) where we threw/passed a medicine ball (weight? probably 15 pounds?)back and forth between us after each sit up.
We were both pretty spent and probably would have done more, but I needed to leave (you know, to get home and get to work on time)... saved by the bell! Great core body workout! We'll be running the trails tomorrow.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
After we did some stretching and ball transfers, we did something close to the following (you have to understand that I'm barely awake so remembering everything is tough-- and frankly, I try and forget the workout & pain as fast as I can so I could have forgotten something)... :
3 sets of 20 squat jumps
3 sets of 20 single leg squats on each leg (so 60 total on each leg)
3 sets on the TRX band/straps- basically it holds our legs about a foot off the ground- of the following sequence: 20 knee to chests, 20 push ups, 20 count of running in place, and 20 hip extensions (legs come in, hands on ground and hips/butt goes up in the air about 2-3 feet). Each set is done with no break...meaning your hands/arms support your weight that whole time, not easy to do- especially when you're supporting more weight than what you're wanting to be carrying. It was especially tough to finish that third set!
That was something that Rich and I were both surprised a little that we were each able to do it-- that basically burned our arms out bad. But do you think that would be it... not with Rich at the helm.
Next we did 3 sets of another sequence with a 45 weight bar (bench or squat bar with no weights): 10 upright rolls, 10 clean and press, 10 squat and back press, and then 10 bent over rolls.
Last we did 20 sits up from a inclined bench (very inclined) where we threw/passed a medicine ball (weight? probably 15 pounds?)back and forth between us after each sit up.
We were both pretty spent and probably would have done more, but I needed to leave (you know, to get home and get to work on time)... saved by the bell! Great core body workout! We'll be running the trails tomorrow.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Monday, February 28, 2011
It's a Monday...
Tough getting up at 5:15 on Mondays!
We ran our 'standard baseline" run this morning at 5:30 that consists of 6.5 miles in the foothills. This route has multiple hill repeats (4 hill runs going up) that are tough! Especially when my legs are still tired from Saturdays run.
It's just a tad bit cold (understatement) at that time of morning.... still dark outside so we run with lights. The trails were mostly just frozen mud but there were multiple sections of the single track trail covered in snow... frozen snow. Not the type of snow enjoyable to run on.
One fun tidbit from this mornings run was at about 6:00, we were on the first part of the trail, still dark, and my headlamp saw up ahead of us a line of about 8 deer heading up the mountain (saw their shining eyes). Well, I followed the line of deer up the hill with my headlight only to see (again, shining eyes) the hill covered in deer. Probably about 25 in total. Then as we continued to run, we'd see 3 deer here, 2 there, and so on. At the end of the mountain trail in Lindon, it was getting light at that time, we saw another 10-15 deer covering another hillside. As Rich and I ran down the street road towards home, we saw 5 deer running down the street. Probably saw around 50 total deer on this mornings run.... pretty cool. Due to the recent snowfall, leaving the mountains covered in snow, and with the snow having mostly melted down by the homes, probably brought so many deer down to eat.
It definitely helped make it worth while in waking up so early.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
We ran our 'standard baseline" run this morning at 5:30 that consists of 6.5 miles in the foothills. This route has multiple hill repeats (4 hill runs going up) that are tough! Especially when my legs are still tired from Saturdays run.
It's just a tad bit cold (understatement) at that time of morning.... still dark outside so we run with lights. The trails were mostly just frozen mud but there were multiple sections of the single track trail covered in snow... frozen snow. Not the type of snow enjoyable to run on.
One fun tidbit from this mornings run was at about 6:00, we were on the first part of the trail, still dark, and my headlamp saw up ahead of us a line of about 8 deer heading up the mountain (saw their shining eyes). Well, I followed the line of deer up the hill with my headlight only to see (again, shining eyes) the hill covered in deer. Probably about 25 in total. Then as we continued to run, we'd see 3 deer here, 2 there, and so on. At the end of the mountain trail in Lindon, it was getting light at that time, we saw another 10-15 deer covering another hillside. As Rich and I ran down the street road towards home, we saw 5 deer running down the street. Probably saw around 50 total deer on this mornings run.... pretty cool. Due to the recent snowfall, leaving the mountains covered in snow, and with the snow having mostly melted down by the homes, probably brought so many deer down to eat.
It definitely helped make it worth while in waking up so early.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw
Sunday, February 27, 2011
New Beginnings... wait that's a YW theme... um, let the run begin!
Just starting this blog as a record of my insanity (for my wife to use later in court) in my quest for the Bear 100 mile run. Maybe by going back, I might be able to answer the question that I get so much, "why am I doing this?". Frankly, at this time, I just don't know. I try and answer that question with a question of my own "Why not do it?". But I know this is just sidestepping their question that I simply don't have an answer to. Besides, I get a whole long list of reasons of why not's.
First, Kudos to my training/running partner, Rich Hart! I have been reading Ultra Running magazine for over a year and getting inspired by so many others, that when Rich (after his running a 100k last year, that I helped pace him for the last 24 miles) asked if I would do 100 mile with him, without hesitation, I said "YES!". I had just finished the Utah Valley Marathon last June (2010) and hurt my Achilles tendon at mile 20 (I wanted to run this marathon the year before, 2009, but hurt the same thing on the other leg/foot on my last long training run and had to back out). I realized that the pavement just beats the body up too much. I had so much fun running the 24 miles with Rich, and my body felt so good after, that I really got serious about running an Ultra on trails. Single track trails are so much fun and rewarding.
Rich and I have been training for over a month now, doing mostly core body workouts Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, with Saturdays mostly having been in the gym on the treadmills doing 5 minute runs at a speed of 6 followed by 5 minute walks at an incline of 10 and a speed of 3, for anywhere from 1 hr up to 3 hrs., with other cardio activities on Tuesdays and Thursday... Okay, secret here... Rich has been running on those days and I've been mostly been taking those days off or playing racquetball or basketball. Rich just came up with our training plan leading up to the Bear 100 in September this last week, and oh my! Lions and tigers.... wait, sorry. Yesterday (Saturday) we ran 10 miles in the foothills through fresh powder snow... we left at 6:30 and were the first footprints on the trails/snow. It was a good workout, but very tiring... running that route up the hills is hard enough alone, but add a foot of powder and ouch! It really felt more like a 14 mile run and took us 2 1/2 hours. It was great to just lay around later and watch BYU take down San Diego State on the road... wow, what a game!
First, Kudos to my training/running partner, Rich Hart! I have been reading Ultra Running magazine for over a year and getting inspired by so many others, that when Rich (after his running a 100k last year, that I helped pace him for the last 24 miles) asked if I would do 100 mile with him, without hesitation, I said "YES!". I had just finished the Utah Valley Marathon last June (2010) and hurt my Achilles tendon at mile 20 (I wanted to run this marathon the year before, 2009, but hurt the same thing on the other leg/foot on my last long training run and had to back out). I realized that the pavement just beats the body up too much. I had so much fun running the 24 miles with Rich, and my body felt so good after, that I really got serious about running an Ultra on trails. Single track trails are so much fun and rewarding.
Rich and I have been training for over a month now, doing mostly core body workouts Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, with Saturdays mostly having been in the gym on the treadmills doing 5 minute runs at a speed of 6 followed by 5 minute walks at an incline of 10 and a speed of 3, for anywhere from 1 hr up to 3 hrs., with other cardio activities on Tuesdays and Thursday... Okay, secret here... Rich has been running on those days and I've been mostly been taking those days off or playing racquetball or basketball. Rich just came up with our training plan leading up to the Bear 100 in September this last week, and oh my! Lions and tigers.... wait, sorry. Yesterday (Saturday) we ran 10 miles in the foothills through fresh powder snow... we left at 6:30 and were the first footprints on the trails/snow. It was a good workout, but very tiring... running that route up the hills is hard enough alone, but add a foot of powder and ouch! It really felt more like a 14 mile run and took us 2 1/2 hours. It was great to just lay around later and watch BYU take down San Diego State on the road... wow, what a game!
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