Sunday, April 1, 2012

Running...what running?

Monday, March 19-  I didn't do anything at all Mon or Tues.  Just too busy I guess.  Wednesday, went to jump/tramp place in Provo for YM.  I did the Bball game on the tramp and got a good workout playing against K. Beeston and Brad Simmons. 
Thursday- played Bball.  Friday- nothing.  was sore so went to Dr. to get checked out.  On med's.
Saturday- Did miles

Monday March 26- 5 miles (night run to dirt track).
Tuesday- nothing   Wednes- weights/core for 1 hour.  Also, played football and fresbie football for an hour with YM.  Guessing ran (sprints- good interval training) 2 miles.
Thurs- Ran  5 miles (night run to dirt track).  Weather's getting better, so can do night runs.
Friday- 40 min core/weights followed by 15 min of spinning on bike at Rec.
Sat- Did longest run of season.... 17 miles.  slow pace of about 11 min/mile, but felt okay-- sore afterwards of course.  Got up at 6:30 to do it....

Lace 'em up! Chainsaw

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Monday, May 5-  core/weights 35 min
Tues.- nothing    Wednesday- core/weights 40 min followed by 20 min (2 mi) run
Thurs- nothing   Friday- nothing
Saturday- 14 mile run.  felt pretty good overall... sore after though (to be expected).  Beautiful day for a run!  Lexy's team beat the other Oak Canyon team handily

Monday, May 12- core/weights 1 hour. 
Tuesday- 4 mile run... this was an adventure.  It was 10:30 at night when I decided I really needed a run.  So, I got my headlamp and headed out (with my wife telling me I was dumb).  I ran from home to the water tanks and up that dirt road going into the mountains.  I won't lie...It was a little freaky... the clouds were low on the mountain tops and it was very quiet except for the owl that I could hear.  It did help me run a little quicker though.
Wednes-  Kynia's BDAY!  Can't believe I have a kid out of her teenage years...20!  Wow...  I did weights/core for 40 min.  Also, Lexy's last Bball game... they played the winner of the loser's bracket, which was the other Oak Canyon team again (they played Tuesday night and won by 2 pts in overtime).  They played great!  The final score was 52-2.  They 2 pts was from 2 free throws.  kind of sad, but the other team didn't make one basket the whole game.  That's just how good they were.  We went and got dinner at Subway on the way home.
Thursday- 5 miles   Again, at night, I went and ran at the dirt track behind Orchard Elem. School.
Friday- 40 min weights/core, followed by 2 mile run on indoor track.
Saturday-  I started planning on running from water tank to battlecreek and back... 8 miles.  Along the way I met and chatted with Gary Wood.  Very nice man who has done Squaw about 9 times.  He knows a lot of the local Ultra running community (marc Sanderson, etc.).  Told me about another trail...also, he has set up trail camera's and has seen cougars, bears, etc. Crazy to think and know that they are all over in the mountains above us!  He said he'd be at the finish line at Wasatch... I hope to see him there (meaning that I finish).  I only did 6 miles... I was feeling very fatigued.  Probably from doing something everyday this week... It's good as I've got to pick my training up.

Lace 'em up!  Chainsaw

Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring and girls Bball

Monday, Feb 20- Did a 1,000 meter swim at pool.
Tues-  40 min. lift/core, followed by 2 mi run (20 Min)
Wed- nothing
Thurs-  Did 20 min. warm up walk (1 mi), then 35 min lift/core, then 2 mi run (20 min)
Fri- nothing
Saturday- Did 9 mi of hill work (mostly hike uphill and run downhill)-- this was 2 hrs total workout time.

Monday, Feb 27- nothing
Tuesday- nothing
Wednesday 40 min. lift/core followed by 2 mi run (20 min)
Thursday- nothing
Fri- Did 5 miles on the treadmill.  Note: my treadmill is on a 1.5 incline, so the times don't quite match up to what distance I do.  This was a 60 min run with about a 10 min walk afterwards.
Sat- Ran 8 miles in hills-- was very muddy and lots of snow.  I was running towards PG, but due to very, very mushy trail I turned after only going about 1 mi after dry canyon parking lot. But the trail from/to the water tower was good overall.  So, that was about a 4.5 out and back.  Then I ran up the fire road... at the top it was soft snow that I ran for about 3/4 miles on.  Reminded me how much I like running in good snow.  I was hoping to do a 13-14 mi run this weekend, but settled on the 5 Friday night late followed by the 8.  Deer count: 0

I've got to get out and get more training done.... spring is coming, so that will help.  So will the end of tax season.  Personal note:  Lexy's Bball 7-8th grade team won their first playoff game (I coached...or to say, I sat on the bench and did the sub'ing) like 75-13 against Provo team.  This Sat they won 60-9...the other team scored those 9 in the first half.  This week they play the other Oak Canyon team that's pretty good, so should be fun.  Lex scored about 20 pts the 1st rd and about 16-18 this Sat.

Lace 'em up!  Chainsaw

Monday, February 20, 2012

sicko- no, not me

Well... not only was I still fighting the head junk, but Havyn was sick most of the week...the kind where she stayed up all night not sleeping...coughing and feeling not well.

I believe it was Sunday night that she didn't sleep and I was up with her... did a partial day at work and came home early to be with her on Monday.  Stayed home with her all day Tuesday and Suzette stayed home on Wednesday.  So the week didn't start off well with training.

Monday, Feb 13- nutt'n  Tuesday- nutt'n
Wednesday, 5 miles at track (while Lex was a Bball practice).  Mod pace.
Thursday- racquetball for 1 1/2 hrs with friends.  We'll call it cross training...
Friday- 1 hr. core/strength/weights at rec center.
Saturday- Did 12 mile long run... pace, not the best at 10:45.  But finished and felt pretty good after.  I feel okay about the pace as I'm just in my base building phase.  I'll work on picking up the speed/pace later; after I've dropped about 10 pounds.  I think I need to do some hill work- both running hills and walking them.  Oh yeah, saw 14 deer at 3:30ish on the side of the hill under the water tanks/above the cemetary.  So unexpected deer count!

Went to lunch on Friday with Paul K. who is also doing the Wasatch 100.  He's been able to keep up the miles pretty well since Squaw Peak.  He's signed up for Zions 100 in May... he might drop to 50 though.  He's also possibly going to run the Antelope Island 50 mile (or 50k) next month.  He ran 26 on Saturday... he said his hip has been bothering a little bit lately.  He's running mostly in the foothills...even in the snow; like I was doing last year (this year, not so much).

Lace 'em up!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Of course I would get re-motivated after getting into Wasatch 100.  So, here's how the week went:

Monday, Feb 6-  Core/lift/stairs 60 min.  So, between some sets, I would run some stairs at the rec... would run up and down about 10 stairs, five times for a total of about 50 stairs.  Did the 50 stairs about 5 times.  Should help with the Wasatch mountains/elevation gain... (I hope).

Tues & Wednesday- Sick... head crap- sucks

Thurs- 40 min lift/core, ran 2 miles on indoor track

Friday- Ran 5.25 in hills (mod pace).  Did this after work- GREAT weather!  Did part of the alternate Squaw Peak race from Rock Canyon over past Y mountain.  Hit mud, snow, and ice.  But was great to run on trails again.

Saturday- 6 miles on road (moderate pace).  Still had the head junk on Fri and Sat, but not bad enough not to run.  Also, Lexy had a Bball game... she did awesome! Rebounds galore and made 10-12 baskets.

Lace 'em up! Chainsaw

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Let me skip to Saturday... goofing off... I mean shopping at Kohl's with Dave and Risa and Suzette, while I traveled via a store wheelchair.  Well, I jumped right out of that chair went I got a text from a fellow Ultrarunning friend Paul Killpack "We're in the 100!".  I'm sure any passing shoppers were thinking 'It's a miracle..he can walk'.  Or more likely 'look at that immature fool'.  Either way.... I got my golden ticket to the WASATCH 100 in August!
Here's my training for this past week:
Monday, Jan 30-  lift/core 35 min.  2 mile run indoor track.
Tuesday, Jan 31-  lift/core 40 minutes
Wednesday, Feb 1- took lexi to Bball practice at Orem Jr. so I ran 4 miles while waiting... It was dark and cold.
Also, went to a dance studio after this for YM/YW and did some more cardio via dancing... and I suck at dancing.
Thursday, Feb 2-  Nothing...took day off.  didn't have enough time after work, but I had wanted to... went with Kynia to the BYU Bball game versus Gonzaga.
Friday, Feb 3-  core/lift 40 min followed by a 2 mile run on indoor track.
Saturday, Feb 4-  Ran 10 miles outside on the roads.  It was a little cold and windy, but the sun was shining so I was warm once I started running.  Probably averaged just over 10 min per mile.  At this point, I'm just trying to slowly increase my long runs but take it easy on them.  Plenty of time to work on speed later.  Felt good afterwords with just slight muscle soreness.  Ate dinner at Chili's with Dave/Risa/Suzy-- was good!
Oh yeah.... did I mention that Saturday night, I found out I'm doing Wasatch 100!?!?!?!

Lace 'em up!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Forget starting new

So, I was going to try and do better huh?  Yeah right.

I'm going to try and catch up the past 3 weeks:

Monday, Jan 9 through Sat, Jan 14.  I'm guessing a little here for the weekday workouts.  But I'm sure it's close to this:  Mon. core/lift   Tues. run 3  Wed.  swam for 30 minutes (then played with Havyn in the pool).  Thurs. nothing (had a cold)  Friday nothing  Saturday- did a slow 8 miler on the road (approx 10.5 min/mile). went slow due to being sick.

Monday Jan 16 to Saturday Jan 21
Monday- climbed Baldy mtn early in the morning.  It was Martin Luther day so had day off.  2 neighbor boys- Dallin and Brad suggested that we do it.  I thought it was cool that these young men would get up for something like this in the cold on a day off.  I stayed up pretty late playing at Massey's and go home at 2 a.m. and didn't sleep til 3:00a.m.  So, the 8:00a.m. start was tough.  I struggled and couldn't climb fast due to the 8 miler on Saturday, no sleep, and still getting over the cold.  But it was fun.  Total distance was 7 miles.  About 1/2 mile from the pike, it started snowing and the wind was howling.  A lot of ice on the back side due to shade; kind of like a little blizzard at the top.  On the way down, the new snow covered the ice patches... so, was fun watching the other 3 sliding/slipping, etc. that 1/2 mile!! Wish I had my camera.
Tues- nothing...took a break- legs tired
Wed- lift/core 30 min  Ran 30 min (3 miles)
Thurs- Raquetball for 2 hrs
Friday- Nothing- laziness I guess?
Sat- 4 miles/indoor track (rain).  Ran out of time due to going to Jazz game.

Jan 23 to Jan 28
Mon- lift/core 30 min.  Run 3 miles (30 min)
Tues- nothing
Wed- 20 min on stationary bike followed by 2 mile run (20 min) on indoor track
Thurs- raquetball 2 1/2 hrs
Fri- lift/core 40 min, run 2 miles (20 min) on indoor track
Sat- did 8 road miles @ moderate pace

There... up to date and feels good to get it logged in.  This week: continue to build core/muscle and good runs.
Lace 'em up! Chainsaw

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Long lost friend

Well-  It's been a while.  I have a 100 miler this year to do.  I sent in for Wasatch 100... hope to get draw for it.  Will find out beginning of February.  If not, I will find another one.

Also, hoping and planning on doing a sprint triathlon with Kynia.  Not only will it be fun, but it will help me to cross train and to not just overdo my running.

Other goals for the year.... marathon in June- hoping for Utah Valley Marathon, and probably one other race for training purposes.  It will depend on which 100 I'll do... but would like to do a 50 a few months before the 100.

I'm going to do better at posting once a week to help keep me honest and report on the prior weeks results.  It's nice to have the start of a new year also be the start of the training season.  Here go's it:

Monday- 3 mile run (in mountains).  This was a test run following some medical concerns that kept me from running for about 2 weeks (long run got up to 12 miles in beginning of December, so I feel like I'm starting over).

Tuesday- 1 hour weight room

Wednesday- 3 mile run (easy pace on track) with Kynia.  We dropped Alyxis off for B-Ball practice and so while she was in the gym, we decided to go run in the dark and cold around track.  Was enjoyable!

Thursday- 30 min weight room followed by 2 miles (easy pace) on indoor track.

Friday- 30 min swim (followed by swimming with Havyn for 1 1/2 hour... was fun!).  Swimming was done on short lanes--- I don't like the short lanes.

Saturday- 7.6 mile run (in mountains).  I did this with an easy pace.  From my home to the dry canyon trailhead, then to Kiwanis Park in P.G. as the turnaround and back.  Had snow on parts of the trail, but mostly clear trails.  Deer count: 4

Lace 'em up! Chainsaw